Meeting documents

Devon County Council - Committee Report

Code No: HTM/11/13

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North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee

25 October 2011

South Street, Braunton, Traffic Management

Scheme for Formal Approval

Report of the Head of Highways and Traffic Management

Please note that the following recommendation is subject to consideration and determination by the Committee before taking effect.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the scheme shown on drawing number EATS(N)490 05 03 be approved at an estimated cost of 50,000.

1. Summary

This report details the proposals to introduce traffic management measures in South Street Braunton.

2. Background/Introduction

South Street is a narrow single carriageway residential street with inadequate provision for pedestrians. The route is a well used route by locals between the B3233 Croyde Road and the A361 to Barnstaple, avoiding the traffic signals delays in Braunton, and the route carries high traffic volumes for a residential street. The street is narrow and on-street parking is restricted for the majority of its length. The street and surrounding area is subject to a 20mph limit and speeds are currently consistent with 20mph standards.

Following local consultation on the possibilities for restricting traffic movements through the area options for closing the route or restricting some movements were considered. After initial consultation the option most favoured by residents, the parish council and the police was the introduction of a new one way street in a northerly direction. This option restricts most of the local traffic using the route to travel from Croyde towards Barnstaple.

A traffic order to introduce one way working has been advertised under delegated powers. Five objections to the order were received. Three related to the proposed direction of the one way street however prior to advertising the proposal for a northbound one way system was suggested by the Police and agreed with the Parish. This proposal was then consulted on with the street and surrounding area and the majority of respondents were in favour of the current proposal. One objection related to the impact these restrictions will have on the surrounding minor road network as a result of traffic avoiding congestion on the A361. The purpose of this order is to reduce the impact of traffic on South Street. Although any reduction in traffic using South Street to avoid the A361 will have an impact on the surrounding road network it is felt that the benefits for this area outweigh the potential impacts on other roads. One objection suggested the introduction of a pay on entry system to the street. This is not an option we could practically pursue.

After consideration of the objections the Local Member and Chair of the North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee have approved the order.

The introduction of a one way street has the potential to increase traffic speeds and therefore traffic calming is recommended to maintain speeds consistent with the current 20mph speed limit in South Street.

3. Proposal

The proposed scheme is shown on Drg No. EATS(N)490-05-03 attached. The proposed scheme entails creating a one way street from the south end of South Street to Sings Lane. Appropriate one way signs will be will introduced along the street and also illuminated No Entry signs at Sings Lane. Gateway signs will be erected at the junction of South Street and Exeter Road advising No Access to South Street. In order to maintain low vehicle speeds traffic calming in the form of pinch point chicanes will be introduced at locations along the street. New kerb alignment is proposed at the Sings Lane junction which will reinforce the no entry signs.

4. Financial Considerations

The estimated cost of this scheme is 50,000 of which 33,000 is from section 106 monies obtained as a result of the development of a supermarket off Velator Way. Additional funding of 17,000 has been identified through the Local Transport Plan 2011/12 Integrated Block Programme for Market and Coastal Towns and Rural Devon.

5. Alternative Options

The scheme has evolved through community consultation. Options for restricting traffic movements have been discussed with residents of South Street and the surrounding area. Two main types of traffic calming were considered; speed cushions and pinch point chicanes. The use of speed cushions, whilst less expensive was discounted due to the noise that would be generated in a narrow residential street. The proposed scheme has evolved through dialogue with the community and the proposal best meets road safety and financial requirements.

6. Sustainability Considerations

The objectives and strategies of the Devon Local Transport Plan aim to improve travel choices including walking to reduce unnecessary use of the private car, as a contribution to improving Devon's environmental, social and economic well being. The proposed scheme supports this objective by encouraging walking and promoting road safety in a mainly residential area.

7. Carbon Impact Considerations

There are no carbon impact considerations associated with this scheme.

8. Equality Considerations

An Equality Impact and Needs Assessment (EINA) was undertaken for the Local Transport Plan 2011 to 2026, which included the 2011/12 programme as described in this report. No negative impacts were identified.

9. Legal Considerations

The traffic order that has been approved will need to be sealed to bring it into effect.

10. Risk Management Considerations

Financial risk has been identified and appropriate allowances within the scheme estimate have been made to protect the Council's position.

11. Reason for Recommendation/Conclusion

The proposed scheme will reduce traffic using a narrow residential street and create a safer highway environment for pedestrians and other vulnerable road users in the area.

Lester Willmington

Head of Highways and Traffic Management

Electoral Division: Braunton Rural

District Wards: Braunton East & Braunton West

Local Government Act 1972: List of Background Papers

Contact for enquiries: Rhys Davies

Room No. 511 Barnstaple Civic Centre

Tel No: (01392) 388526

Background Paper


File Ref.


Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 2011-2026: Implementation Plan for Devon and Proposed 2011/12 Programme

9 March 2011



sc/cr/south street Braunton

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